JOSIE HILL has had a private practice since 2004 and
specializes in deep tissue oil massage Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy and fully clothed Acupressure.
She received a diploma from Center Point Massage and Shiatsu School and
Clinic in 2004, and then continued specialized training to a mastery
level in Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy with founder and developer Ruthie
Piper Hardee. Josie is currently located in Shorewood, Wisconsin.
WI # 15676-146
Shiatsu Therapy
Having a custom build set of portable Ashiatsu bars Josie is has been able to work back stage at the Target Center, Excel Engery Center, and outdoor sporting and music events. Ashiatsu is a deep tissue therapy that is performed with feet and an overhead bar system.
Fully embracing the entreprenurial spirit, Josie has been an independent contractor and owned her own massage and bodywork business since 2004.